The Philosophy

Did you know the Makingtrax Foundation is a registered charitable trust? This means our work goes towards a greater good to integrate society. We believe everybody has a right to live to their potential. Research and statistics show that Aotearoa New Zealand has created an implicit social bias the "them and us" attitude. We need to be conscious of this to create change. The reality is we require social change, a mind flex. We all have different abilities; physical, intellectual, emotional and social. We all have our challenges. Overcoming these challenges makes us grow, gives us unique perspective, forms healthy relationships and builds an integrated community.

We grow when we're challenged "A life of adventure, my foundation. My daily challenges, my superpower" - Jezza Williams

Diversity is humanity and if our social environment truly reflected our society, together we would all flourish.

Social Value



Conscious awakening

Conscious awakening

Aotearoa New Zealand currently faces a disability employment crisis, refer to social value. Research shows two thirds of society feels awkward around someone with a disability. We still put our tamariki/children with physical disabilities in special classes in schools, we leave them behind on school outings and we have segregated events and adaptive programmes. Aotearoa New Zealand is not an integrated society. These statistics and attitudes will not change until we treat everybody equal.

Power of Connection

Power of Connection

Breaking this cycle for our next generation starts with the power of connection, giving everyone the opportunity to learn a landscape of others. Some people will feel awkward & that’s okay. Inclusion is about people accepting & valuing differences. Educate yourself, your colleagues and your superiors. Be the catalyst for change and offer the choice factor. It’s takes a generation to transform social attitudes.

Be the Change

Be the Change

What do you want to achieve? If you believe in your values it will resonate with everyone who associates with you. Integration starts with offering the choice. There will be challenges but remember why you started your journey. We’re all at different stages, the encounter will last a lifetime. It will open families perceptions to explore and create a community without judgement. The side effects, it will improve your customer service and revenue. Accepting the challenge is the hardest part.